PDF2PDFA overview

PDF2PDFA Converter

Convert PDF or ZIP to PDF/A-1b, 2b, 3b or ZUGFeRD documents. ZIP can contain multiple files with folder structure, attachments, and ZUGFeRD XML. Multithreaded parallel processing, bug reports. Available as a command line, folder monitor or REST / SOAP web service application.

PDF2PDFA Validator

To validate PDF or ZIP in PDF/A-1b, 2b, 3b or ZUGFeRD documents. ZIP can contain multiple files with folder structure, attachments, and ZUGFeRD XML. Multithreaded parallel processing, bug reports. Available as a command line, folder monitor or REST / SOAP web service application.


For PDF/A-3b and thus also for ZUGFeRD documents, it is possible to embed additional file attachments directly into the PDF and thus use the PDF file as a data container for the transfer or archiving of the attachments. The ZUGFeRD XML file must be present.

XRechnungs profile

Not only does it meet the requirements of the European standard EN16931, it also includes the national business rules and administrative provisions of the German XRechnung standard.

File Structure

The ZIP folder structure can also be used for output. This creates the same folder structure in the destinationfolder as it exists in the ZIP.


Option for the max. number of parallel converter processes. This limits the use of resources.

More about PDF/A

Versions and other functions

Conversion to PDF/A-1b, 2b, 3b.
Conversion to PDF/A-1a, 2a, 3a.
ZUGFeRD – level (BASIC, COMFORT, EXTENDED) configurable.

Information: PDFBlog | YouTube

EasyMerge is used to merge multiple PDF or PDF/A documents into a single PDF or PDF/A file. Files can be dragged by drag & drop. Drop or past the eDocPrintPro printer driver into a processing list. The order can be changed at any time and the text for the bookmarks in the entire file can be edited.

PDF/A – the PDF for archiving
PDF/A is the name for the ISO standard 19005 and defines a standard document format for the long-term archiving of electronic documents. The standard specifies which PDF functions must be included or which must not be used to archive documents in the long term.

The PDF/A standard
Important: The PDF/A standard is “constructive” – if a document is PDF/A-1 compliant it is automatically covered by the PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3 standard – the higher standards allow more PDF functions. You agree the required level and standard to the required and desired functions.

With PDF/A Level 3 it is now possible to embed any files and documents in the PDF/A. This can be combined for archiving a PDF/A file for searching, viewing and printing the original digital file. The embedded files can be extracted from the PDF at any time.

PDF/A in a Nutshell – Overview PDF/A Standard from PDF Association (PDF)

You can easily buy our products in our WebShop.

Of course you can also inquire directly and get an offer from us for your order.

The products are installed as a DEMO version at the workplace and can be tested with all functions for 30 days. Afterwards, the software must be activated as a full version, otherwise a DEMO stamp will be applied to the generated documents.

The products are licensed according to your order for the workstation, terminal server or server.

The licenses are tied to the workplace where it was activated first. Licenses can be transferred.

When you purchase a full license, you will receive access data from the ProductActivationManager and activate your DEMO version as a full version. The activation key is called via a server installed in our house and accessible via the Internet.

Product Activation

You can activate the products by clicking the user interface on the button “Activate” in the “Info” or “About” or start the Product Activation Manager directly via Start | Programs | Your Product | Product Activation Manager.

Activate Application: ONLINE (Video: PAM – ONLINE Activation)

Activate the product with user ID and password. Select the Application (left side) and then “Activate Application”. You will be prompted for user ID and password and then see all the remaining free licenses to choose from. Select one and click “OK” – Activation Complete! This variant requires an internet connection!

Please note that the license is tied to the hardware. The use on another computer is possible only through a prior release (MOVE) of the already activated licenses.

Move license (to new PC) (Video: PAM – MOVE License)

This option allows to transfer a license to a different PC. Input of UserID und Passwort is necessary! Product will remain as demo version on your PC.

OLD PC: ProductActivationManager | select license | „Move License“ Button | Username / Password | OK

NEW PC: ProductActivationManager | select application | „Activate Application“ Button | Username / Password | select license | OK




V 1.4.25 Download

PDF to PDF/A converter, MS-Windows service with folder monitoring.


V 1.5.3 Download

PDF to PDF/A converter, command line application.


V 1.3.24 Download

Converter Service
PDF to PDF/A converter, MS-Windows service with REST / SOAP web service.


V 1.2.23 Download

Interactive application to generate PDF/A (ZUGFeRD) files.

EasyMerge PDFA

V 2.3.1 Download

Merging the single PDF(/A) files to a total PDF(/A) file with PDFCompressor Option.

Can be used as a 30-day DEMO after downloading! With a license to the full version. License variants Output format PDF/A-1b, PDF/A-2 + 3b or PDF/A-3b ZUGFeRD. Requires administrator rights for the installation! For ZUGFeRD output the XML file must be present.

As of version 1.1.0, PDF files can now also be converted to PDF/A-1a, 2a and 3a. It should be noted, however, that not every PDF file can be converted and that an automatic conversion is only possible or only meaningful if the input file already contains the required structure information/tags. ★ see Blog

Please note Windows service – access to network resources – what should be considered? ★ Information in PDFBlog

FREE Add-On's


V 1.2.0 Download

Free add-on, folder monitoring for the PDF2PDFA-CS version.


V 1.3.2 Download

Free add-on, folder monitoring for the PDF2PDFA-CS version.


Choose the right product


Prices in Shop
  • Converts PDF to PDF/A-1b, 2b, 3b and ZUGFeRD and XRechnung formats.


Prices in Shop
  • Converts PDF to PDF/A-1b, 2b, 3b and ZUGFeRD and XRechnung formats. (Workstation License)


Prices in Shop
  • Converts PDF to PDF/A-1b, 2b, 3b and ZUGFeRD and XRechnung formats. (Server License)


Prices in Shop
  • Converts PDF to PDF/A-1b, 2b, 3b and ZUGFeRD and XRechnung formats.


Prices in Shop
  • Interactive application to create PDF / A (ZUGFeRD and XRechnung) files

EasyMerge PDF/A

Prices in Shop
  • Merging the single PDF(/A) files to a total PDF(/A) file with PDFCompressor Option.

More PDF/A products

PDF/A & ZUGFeRD Printer

Printer driver for creating PDF / A-1b, 2b or 3b PDF documents. The option ZUGFeRD allows you to create documents with embedded XML. Plugins to add features and implement integrations. Custom setups and SDK available.

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Converts the most important document formats – MS Office, Image, PDF, MSG / EML, HTML, ZIP container, CAD etc. including OCR via a REST / SOAP Web service interface to PDF, PDF / A or ZUGFeRD. Various clients, SDKs and integrations available.

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EMail Archiver

The EMail Archiver is a FileConverterPro Microsoft Outlook 2010/2013/2016 plug-in, with which single or multiple tagged emails or entire email folders and subfolders with all email messages contained in them can be downloaded directly from MS Outlook and can be converted to PDF or PDF/A.

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Different document formats can be added to a tree structure. Integrated into FileConverterPro, all supported formats are converted and merged into a single complex structured PDF or PDF / A document.

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AutoOCR is an OCR processor that monitors predefined folders and automatically converts newly added or modified image or PDF documents to fully searchable PDF or PDF / A documents. REST / SOAP web service interface available.

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PDF documents can be identified by criteria. Templates and layouts with fields are used to read and assign information. 1D / 2D barcode can be read out or added. Documents divided according to different rules.

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iPaper allows you to generate PDF (/ A) documents by printing from any application, inserting a stationery or template, and performing several additional actions, such as PDFSign. Ability to identify documents based on criteria, extract data with forms and fields, and use them for actions.

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PDFSign can sign PDF, PDF/A, and ZUGFeRD documents with a X.509 certificate and maintains PDF / A compliance. Create a visible signature with multiple options, timestamp, self-signed certificates. Available as a command line, folder monitor or REST/SOAP web service application.

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The single files can be transferred directly into the EasyMerge application via printing with eDocPrintPro and will be inserted using drag and drop or via the file dialog in the document list. The included files can be normal PDFs or PDF/A compliant documents.

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